Syllabus (as of 15 January; subject to change)
Week 1
Tuesday, 16 January
Thursday, 18 January
Anne Fausto-Sterling, “Dueling Dualisms”
selections from Ovid, Metamorphoses (myth of Tiresias; myth of Iphis and Ianthe)
Optional: Salmacis and Hermaphroditus (content warning: SVSH)
selections from Diodorus Sicilus, The Library of History (IV.6.5 [paragraph about Hermaphroditus], XXXII.10–12 [paragraphs about intersex figures])
Community Guidelines Reflection
Anne Fausto-Sterling, “Dueling Dualisms”
selections from Ovid, Metamorphoses (myth of Tiresias; myth of Iphis and Ianthe)
Optional: Salmacis and Hermaphroditus (content warning: SVSH)
selections from Diodorus Sicilus, The Library of History (IV.6.5 [paragraph about Hermaphroditus], XXXII.10–12 [paragraphs about intersex figures])
Community Guidelines Reflection
Week 2
Tuesday, 23 January
“On the Hyena or the Brute,” in Physiologus: A Medieval Book of Nature Lore, trans. Michael J. Curley
Images of hyenas from manuscripts of medieval bestiaries (link)
Leah DeVun, “The Monstrous Races: Mapping the Borders of Sex”
Introductory Text Due (750 words)
“On the Hyena or the Brute,” in Physiologus: A Medieval Book of Nature Lore, trans. Michael J. Curley
Images of hyenas from manuscripts of medieval bestiaries (link)
Leah DeVun, “The Monstrous Races: Mapping the Borders of Sex”
Introductory Text Due (750 words)
Thursday, 25 January
Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.vii.1–36 (focus on stanzas 22, 29–30, 35–36); and gloss of Book III, canto vii
Virtual Symposium #1
Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, III.vii.1–36 (focus on stanzas 22, 29–30, 35–36); and gloss of Book III, canto vii
Virtual Symposium #1
Week 3
Tuesday, 30 January
Algernon Charles Swinburne, “Hermaphroditus” and “Fragoletta”
Analytic Essay P1 Due (750 words)
Algernon Charles Swinburne, “Hermaphroditus” and “Fragoletta”
Analytic Essay P1 Due (750 words)
Thursday, 1 February
Honoré de Balzac, “Sarrasine”
Anne E. Linton, “Is She or Isn’t He?: Plotting Ambiguous Gender” (excerpts)
Honoré de Balzac, “Sarrasine”
Anne E. Linton, “Is She or Isn’t He?: Plotting Ambiguous Gender” (excerpts)
Week 4
Tuesday, 6 February
Honoré de Balzac, The Girl with the Golden Eyes (pp. 309–67)
Analytic Essay P2 Due (750 words)
Honoré de Balzac, The Girl with the Golden Eyes (pp. 309–67)
Analytic Essay P2 Due (750 words)
Thursday, 8 February
Honoré de Balzac, The Girl with the Golden Eyes (pp. 367–91)
Virtual Symposium #2
Week 5
Tuesday, 13 February
Vernon Lee, “A Wicked Voice”
Analytic Essay P3 Due (750 words)
Vernon Lee, “A Wicked Voice”
Analytic Essay P3 Due (750 words)
Thursday, 15 February
John Lyly, Galatea (acts 1–3)
Recommended: reread Ovid’s account of the myth of Iphis and Ianthe
Deadline for signing up for an additional draft
John Lyly, Galatea (acts 1–3)
Recommended: reread Ovid’s account of the myth of Iphis and Ianthe
Deadline for signing up for an additional draft
Week 6
Tuesday, 20 FebruaryJohn Lyly, Galatea (acts 4–5)
Virtual Symposium #3
Analytic Essay Draft Due (2400 words)
Thursday, 22 February
Peer Review Workshops
Peer Review Workshops
Week 7
Tuesday, 27 February
Djuna Barnes, Nightwood (pp. 1–54)
Film Critical Reflections Due (200 words each)
Film Critical Reflections Due (200 words each)
Thursday, 29 February
Djuna Barnes, Nightwood (pp. 55–83)
Virtual Symposium #4 (part 1)
Djuna Barnes, Nightwood (pp. 55–83)
Virtual Symposium #4 (part 1)
Week 8
Tuesday, 5 March
Djuna Barnes, Nightwood (pp. 84–131)
Analytic Essay Final Draft Due (2400 words)
Djuna Barnes, Nightwood (pp. 84–131)
Analytic Essay Final Draft Due (2400 words)
Thursday, 7 March
Djuna Barnes, Nightwood (pp. 132–180)
Optional: “Soft, Hard; Penetrable and Capable of Penetration: Bodies Against Cisness,” Emma Heaney (video lecture ~45 minutes)
Virtual Symposium #4 (part 2)
Djuna Barnes, Nightwood (pp. 132–180)
Optional: “Soft, Hard; Penetrable and Capable of Penetration: Bodies Against Cisness,” Emma Heaney (video lecture ~45 minutes)
Virtual Symposium #4 (part 2)
Week 9
Tuesday, 12 March
Heldris of Cornwall, Silence (translator’s introduction, xi–xxiv; lines 1–2656)
Research Essay Letter Due (200 words)
Heldris of Cornwall, Silence (translator’s introduction, xi–xxiv; lines 1–2656)
Research Essay Letter Due (200 words)
Thursday, 14 March
Heldris of Cornwall, Silence (lines 2657–6706)
Heldris of Cornwall, Silence (lines 2657–6706)
Week 10
Tuesday, 19 March
Masha Raskolnikov, “Without Magic or Miracle: The Romance of Silence and the Prehistory of Genderqueerness”
Research Essay P1 Due (750 words)
Virtual Symposium #5
Masha Raskolnikov, “Without Magic or Miracle: The Romance of Silence and the Prehistory of Genderqueerness”
Research Essay P1 Due (750 words)
Virtual Symposium #5
Thursday, 21 March
“Transgender Fairies in Early Modern Literature,” Not Just the Tudors podcast episode with Ezra Horbury
Optional: Ezra Horbury, “Early Modern Transgender Fairies”
(Optional) Analytic Essay Additional Draft Due (2400 words)
“Transgender Fairies in Early Modern Literature,” Not Just the Tudors podcast episode with Ezra Horbury
Optional: Ezra Horbury, “Early Modern Transgender Fairies”
(Optional) Analytic Essay Additional Draft Due (2400 words)
Week 11
Tuesday, 2 April
William Shakespeare, The Tempest (acts 1–3)
William Shakespeare, The Tempest (acts 1–3)
Thursday, 4 April
William Shakespeare, The Tempest (acts 4–5)
Annotated Bibliography Due (~2pp.)
William Shakespeare, The Tempest (acts 4–5)
Annotated Bibliography Due (~2pp.)
Week 12
Tuesday, 9 April
Saidiya Hartman, “Venus in Two Acts”
Carnelian Seville, “how to meet the Piton mountain” (content warning: self-harm)
Alan Pelaez Lopez, “The Spine of Gorée Island”
Research Essay P2 Due (750 words)
Saidiya Hartman, “Venus in Two Acts”
Carnelian Seville, “how to meet the Piton mountain” (content warning: self-harm)
Alan Pelaez Lopez, “The Spine of Gorée Island”
Research Essay P2 Due (750 words)
Thursday, 11 April
Deborah Miranda, “Coyote Takes a Trip”
Louis Esme Cruz and Qwo-Li Driskill, “Puo’winue’l Prayers”
Deborah Miranda, “Coyote Takes a Trip”
Louis Esme Cruz and Qwo-Li Driskill, “Puo’winue’l Prayers”
Week 13
Tuesday, 16 April
Evan B. Towle and Lynn M. Morgan, “Romancing the Transgender Native: Rethinking the Use of the ‘Third Gender’ Concept”
Research Essay Draft Due (2400 words)
Virtual Symposium #6
Evan B. Towle and Lynn M. Morgan, “Romancing the Transgender Native: Rethinking the Use of the ‘Third Gender’ Concept”
Research Essay Draft Due (2400 words)
Virtual Symposium #6
Thursday, 18 April
Amy Marvin, “Transsexuality, the Curio, and the Transgender Tipping Point”
Reina Gossett, Eric A. Stanley, and Johanna Burton, “Known Unknowns: An Introduction to Trap Door”
Virtual Symposium #7
Amy Marvin, “Transsexuality, the Curio, and the Transgender Tipping Point”
Reina Gossett, Eric A. Stanley, and Johanna Burton, “Known Unknowns: An Introduction to Trap Door”
Virtual Symposium #7
Week 14
Tuesday, 23 April
Research Essay Writing Workshop
Research Essay Writing Workshop
Thursday, 25 April
Research Essay Writing Workshop
(Optional) Research Essay Additional Draft Due
Research Essay Writing Workshop
(Optional) Research Essay Additional Draft Due
RRR Week
Scheduled Instructor Conferences
Finals Week
Tuesday, 7 May
Research Essay Final Draft Due (3200 words)
Research Essay Final Draft Due (3200 words)